How important is a college-level education? According to research from Georgetown University, very important.

Georgetown experts estimate that 63 percent of all job openings by 2018 will require workers with at least some college education.

This is why, now more than ever, scholarship programs such as those through the University system and The San Diego Foundation Community Scholarship Program are critical for our youth and the future of San Diego’s economy.

[Tweet “63 percent of all job openings by 2018 will require workers with at least some college education”]

Supporting Hundreds of Students

Thanks to a long list of local philanthropists, The San Diego Foundation Community Scholarship Program is the largest non-university scholarship program in the San Diego region.

Each year, millions of dollars are distributed to hundreds of students pursuing higher education. This year, we had one of our most successful years in history.

Check out the infographic below to learn about the program’s impact for the 2016-2017 academic year. Click to to enlarge infographic >

San Diego Scholarships Infographic

Strengthen Your Community

Are you interested in joining the many donors who support students and have awarded more than $26 million through the Community Scholarship Program?

Learn more about the program and consider opening a Scholarship Fund to start supporting San Diego’s students and our economy.

Open a Fund