Happy New Year. It was great to see so many of you in November as we unveiled the Streetscape at the La Jolla Country Club. We were thrilled to announce our lead fifty of $1 million to our Streetscape Campaign directed to La Jolla Community Foundation for this specific project by member Una Davis! Thank you for this generosity.
Mark Steele, our lead architect, presented the plans and was available for any questions from members.
We wanted to make absolutely certain that those of you who have been so supportive and generous over the years were the first to see the plans. Please know that it has been your support that allowed us to have Enhance La Jolla and this magnificent Streetscape plan.
On January 16, the boards of the La Jolla Village Merchants Association, La Jolla Town Council, La Jolla Community Planning Association and the La Jolla Historical Society previewed Enhance La Jolla’s Village Streetscape Plan at a special meeting where they could comment and ask questions.
We will now begin to present the Streetscape Plan throughout the community to let residents know they can help.
We’re giving La Jolla a new vision and a new look! We can’t do it without your help.
We are currently establishing naming rights for transformative gifts that will help us begin our “first stage”, which is to revamp Girard Avenue from Silverado to Prospect streets and “The Dip.”
Please contact Julia Grant at 619-235-2300 or juliag@sdfoundation.org for information.
MAD Update
This is a snapshot of Maintenance Assessment District (MAD) operations for the first three months since maintenance work began. It has taken MAD and its vendors all of this time to finally get a handle on so much deferred maintenance in the Village. But the MAD has been able to turn the corner and is now focusing on the routine activities that will ensure a visibly cleaner and fresher look in the Village.
As work progressed during this period, two issues were noticed that became more and more evident as time passed. First, because most of the Village does not have an improved storm sewer system, after most rain events, you would see silt and sand that had washed into the Village and deposited in many of our pedestrian ramps. Second, after removing trash and litter and trimming bushes and trees, a remaining and continuing problem has been dog poop. It’s always deposited in our streets and on our sidewalks in the evenings and early mornings, but it happens with too much regularity not to address. So, MAD has implemented efforts to address these two ongoing issues.
Regarding the first, there is now a crew to sweep and wash, if necessary, each pedestrian ramp in Zone 1 of the Village every Friday. This will remove the sand and water that may have collected in the pedestrian ramps. This will improve their safety and cleanliness for the users of these ramps. Regarding the second issue, our litter control crew now focuses its efforts on a pooper scooper activity every Wednesday. In the near term, these and the other activities of our vendors for landscape maintenance, litter control and sidewalk washing will continue to improve the look of the Village. MAD has also implemented a pilot project for painting trash receptacles, focused on Wall Street. This project will improve the look of the City trash receptacles and create a look unique to La Jolla. More receptacles will be painted each month. Landscape maintenance is performed four days each week, Monday through Thursday. Litter control and trash collection is performed seven days each week. Sidewalk power washing is performed at night on Sunday and Monday nights each week from midnight to 8:00 a.m.