The work and impact of San Diego nonprofits is important to advance a vibrant quality of life in the San Diego region. To support your efforts, we’re sharing valuable information every month about upcoming workshops, events, fundraising opportunities and resources with your organization.

What’s Upcoming

  • Join Nonprofit Management Solutions on July 19 where Frank Scarpaci will instruct a workshop on The Fundamentals of Project Management. Learn More>
  • Join San Diego Grantmakers on July 25 for Impact Reporting for Impact Investing: State of the Art Portfolio Analysis. Hear from Bruno Bertocci, the Team Head of the Sustainable Investors team at UBS Asset Management. He is the lead Portfolio Manager of the Global Sustainable Equity Portfolio and the Global Sustainable Impact Equity Portfolio. Learn More>
Know of other upcoming events or grant opportunities?
Share them with San Diego’s nonprofit community in the comments below!

Funding Opportunities at The Foundation

  • For Grants Cycle 18, the San Diego Women’s Foundation (SDWF) seeks to promote greater access to behavioral health services in underserved communities. SDWF will fund innovative enrichment programs that target K-12 children, including GED students, aimed at improving the emotional and mental well-being of this population. Access the SDWF application here. LOI Deadline September 6

Other Funding Opportunities

  • Alliance for California Traditional Arts is seeking applications for continuity of the state’s traditional arts and cultures. Contracts of $3,000 will be made with California-based master artists to cover master artist’s fees, supplies, and travel. Deadline July 17
  • The Impact Fund is accepting proposals from nonprofit legal firms. Grants of up to $25,000 will be awarded in support of public interest litigation that has the potential to benefit a large number of people, lead to significant law reform, and raise public consciousness of social justice issues. Deadline July 18
  • PeopleForBikes Community Grant Program is inviting letters of interest for supporting bicycle infrastructure projects. Grants of up to $10,000 will be awarded to projects such as bike paths, lanes, trails, and bridges; mountain bike facilities; bike parks and pump tracks; BMX facilities; and end-of-trip facilities such as bike racks, bike parking and bike storage. Deadline July 21
  • The American Honda Foundation is seeking applications in support of youth education. One-year grants of up to $75,000 will be awarded to youth education projects with a specific focus on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects and the environment. Deadline August 1
  • The Pollination Project is accepting proposals for projects in the areas of arts and culture, community health and wellness, the environment, and justice. Seed grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to social entrepreneurs for projects in the early stages of development, including those that promote compassion for all life (people, planet, animals), environmental sustainability, justice in all its forms, community health and wellness, and social change-oriented arts and culture. Deadline Ongoing


  • Nonprofit organizations can utilize our Community Engagement Space for conference and meeting rooms at no charge. Learn more >
  • Through a partnership with The Foundation, Nonprofit Management Solutions offers access to a free resource library for management and fundraising information.

Local Resources

Do you know of other upcoming events or grant opportunities? Share them with San Diego’s nonprofit community in the comments below!