Hello, Carlsbad Charitable Foundation (CCF) members! Fall is off to a fast start and it’s a pleasure to share some important updates with you.
We had a fantastic End of Summer Mixer event honoring one of our very special founding members, Knox Williams, with our first ever Knox Williams Philanthropy Award. It was a meaningful night celebrating all that he has done and continues to do for our community in the beautiful home of Jodi and Rusty Wallis. Thanks to those of you that joined us and keep it up, Knox, as I know you will, my friend!
Chris Megison from Solutions for Change was present that evening and wasn’t it just incredible to learn of the impact of our grant? Chris provided us with a timely reminder of the importance of what we do, so please continue to introduce CCF to your friends and family, one conversation at a time. I challenge each of you reading this to initiate one conversation this next week with someone that ought to be a part of CCF.
Speaking of which, please welcome our seven newest members: David and Kayda Johnson, Eugene and JoAnn Ross, Debby Weiner, Sandy Bonner and Bob Lin! Thank you for your support and investment in Carlsbad. CCF is honored to have you.
On to the most important update of this letter – our Grants Committee has reviewed the surveyed feedback from our members and selected our grant focus for the year. The results were very close and as a result the Board has decided (by a unanimous vote) to try something we have never done before!
For the 2020 grant cycle, CCF will be accepting proposals for any innovative projects, partnerships or initiatives that will advance the quality of life for Carlsbad residents in a meaningful, measurable and sustainable way in the following areas of impact: health & human services, arts & culture, environmental sustainability and technological innovation.
You may be thinking this is a very broad focus and you are right! For that reason, we have incorporated a Letter of Intent as part of the grant application process. Please take a few moments to look at the guidelines on our website and we ask that you share this exciting news with anyone you feel may have the best innovation for Carlsbad. If you are interested in joining the Grants Committee, we welcome your participation. Please contact estelam@sdfoundation.org.
Continuing with participation, I would like you to please consider lending us your influence. We are hyper-focused on identifying businesses in our community that align with our values and would make great member partners with us and our good work. If you know of such a business owner or executive decision-maker, may we visit them together please? My calendar is always open for a new CCF introduction, and I thank you heartily in advance.
As to our next event and opportunity to catch up, please mark your calendars for our annual Holiday Bash on December 11 at the home of another founding member, our treasured Pam Valinet! More details to follow soon.
It is truly an honor to serve you all. My inbox is open and I’m always learning. Please feel free to contact me at Justinrpeek@gmail.com or by cell (including texting) at 760-908-3900.
On behalf of your CCF Board, have a very spoooooky Halloween and thank you for all that you do!
CCF member Matthew Anderson
Member Spotlight
Matthew Anderson was born and raised in Carlsbad and studied sociology at Concordia University Chicago. He is a grant writer at TERI, Inc., a nonprofit in Oceanside focused on changing the way the world views and helps people with special needs. He and his wife, Brooke, met while volunteering in a local disability youth ministry and are now working on raising their first child, Isaac, who is 10 months old and almost too cute. They enjoy serving at The Fields Church in Carlsbad, camping, hiking, and sleeping through the night.
“I joined the Carlsbad Charitable Foundation to help make an impact in the city I love,” shared Matthew. “As a professional fundraiser, I have really enjoyed being on the ‘giving side’ while serving on the CCF Grants committee. What could be more fun than providing funding to great organizations?”
Grantee Spotlight
The Transitional-Age Teens and Homelessness Prevention Program at Voices for Children (VFC) prepares at-risk foster youth for a successful adult life outside of the foster care system while helping them to avoid homelessness, unemployment, poverty and incarceration.
The $15,000 grant awarded by CCF allowed them to recruit, train and supervise six new volunteers who were assigned to the cases of transitional-age youth in San Diego County foster care for an entire year. Each of these volunteers completed an initial interview, background check, and 35 hours of training through Advocate University, where they learned about topics such as educational advocacy, the effects of childhood trauma, court report writing and relationship building. They also offered opportunities for youth to attend an event with their volunteer advocates that was designed to connect transitional-age youth to job readiness programs and opportunities in the community.
As the landscape of child welfare services evolves, VFC is committed to remaining nimble enough to adapt and scale services to provide San Diego County child crime victims with the highest level of advocacy.
We are proud to support the amazing work of Voices for Children and the lasting impact it is making in our community.