The current strength and makeup of San Diego’s economy can be traced back to the visionary leadership of San Diegans from years past.

Decades ago, business leaders and philanthropists, such as Samuel L. Blasker and the Fleet family, recognized the importance of investing in innovation to prepare for the future of San Diego.

And as a result, today, science and technology serve as the bedrock of our region’s economy.

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The San Diego Foundation Science & Technology Program, which is supported by the Blasker-Rose-Miah and Reuben H. Fleet Foundation Endowments, helps expand the pipeline of under-represented students pursuing STEM degrees and career pathways at local community colleges, universities, companies and organizations.

Over the coming months, we will share first-person stories of individuals who have been positively impacted by the Science & Technology Program to bring to light the many unique stories of our region’s future innovators and business leaders.

Oscar Torres’ Story

**Oscar attended the San Diego Mesa College STEM Workshops, a grantee of The San Diego Foundation Science & Technology Program.

My name is Oscar and I’m currently a bioengineering student and tutor at San Diego Mesa College, working to pursue my undergraduate degree and continue onto graduate school so I can pursue a career in the biotech industry.

The Mesa College STEM workshops have been instrumental in my educational achievements and my goal to be an effective chemistry tutor at Mesa College.

How have Science & Technology programs impacted your career or education?
Share your story in the comments below!

While in Chemistry I, the workshops helped me to better understand nomenclature (the naming of compounds). The reason I found this exceptionally challenging was that English was not my first language. The extra teaching through the workshops was essential by providing me with the necessary skills to not only learn the material but help to understand it.

In addition, each workshop session is taught by the same professors that teach the undergraduate courses, which showed us students that the instructors at Mesa College were committed to the success of each one of us. This allowed me to get to know the instructors at a deeper level, and made me feel confident about the major I chose and my ability to approach the professors with questions about class or about my major.

The STEM workshops have been a constant benefit to my academic pursuits and have helped me increase my chances of reaching my professional goal to become a bioengineer.

Long Term Impact

The Science & Technology Program has a direct impact on the lives of students who will later become the next great inventors and business leaders. Thanks to the investment of local donors today, we can ensure San Diego’s economy is strong into the future.

Support Science & Technology

How have Science & Technology programs impacted your career or education? Share your story in the comments below!