San Diego County is home to one of the nation’s largest and most diverse Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities, comprising 16.2% of the region’s population.

Despite this substantial presence, many AANHPI individuals face disparities in health, economic stability, education and social inclusion. These challenges are often overlooked due to the misconception that the AANHPI community shares a uniform experience.

The new State of San Diego AANHPI Report commissioned by San Diego Foundation (SDF) and developed in partnership with the San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center dismantles this narrative.

By exploring differences among subgroups within the AANHPI community, the report sheds light on the need for targeted approaches that ensure individuals in the diverse community have the opportunity to thrive.

Young members of the AANHPI community

“As the AANHPI community continues to grow and contribute to the rich cultural fabric of San Diego, we wanted to take a closer look at how we can better serve their unique needs, rather than take a traditional one-size-fits all approach,” said Mark Stuart, President and CEO, SDF.

“This report provides the first in-depth look at the disparities between these subgroups and offers recommendations for policymakers, philanthropies and community organizations to better address their diverse needs and enable them to thrive.”

Addressing Disparities Across Key Areas

Drawing from data from the U.S. Census’s 2022 American Community Survey and interviews with local AANHPI leaders, the report outlines critical challenges across four areas:

Health and Food Security

  • Cancer is the leading cause of death among AANHPI groups, with breast cancer being the most common diagnosis among women.
  • Mental health concerns are pressing, particularly for youth; in California, suicide is the leading cause of death for AANHPI individuals ages 15 to 24.
  • Food insecurity is prevalent: Nearly half of Cambodians and other Pacific Islanders rely on SNAP benefits compared to 8.5% of White, non-Latino residents.

Little Saigon in City Heights

Cultural Preservation and Integration

  • The community speaks 67 distinct dialects, reflecting its rich cultural heritage while also creating barriers to services for many individuals.
  • More than half of AANHPI San Diegans are first-generation immigrants, with older adults particularly vulnerable to service inaccessibility due to language challenges.
  • Among youth raised speaking only English, there is a growing concern about losing connections to cultural and religious traditions.

Education and Economics

  • Educational attainment varies significantly: 93.7% of Asian Indians hold bachelor’s degrees compared to 10.6% of other Pacific Islanders, with similar disparities in median incomes.
  • Homeownership rates range starkly, from 74% among Thai residents to just 17% among other Pacific Islanders, compared to 63% for White, non-Latino residents.

Leadership and Representation

  • AANHPI-owned businesses generated $5 billion and created 90,000 jobs locally in 2021.
  • Political representation remains limited; only four AANHPI individuals have served in elected office in the city of San Diego.
  • Community organizations often lack resources for leadership development and sustainable funding.

Embracing the Diversity Within

AANHPI leaders

“The report shows that leadership in business, nonprofit and politics locally is growing, but the community needs stronger support and better representation,” said Susan Guinn, President and CEO, San Diego Regional Policy and Innovation Center.

“As one of very few female CEOs in the AANHPI community in San Diego, I hope our leaders will invest more in mentoring and uplifting the next generation of leaders.”

According to the San Diego Economic Equity Report, San Diego County’s AANHPI population has grown by 20% since 2020, and by 2030, most of the region’s foreign-born residents will originate from Asia.

The State of San Diego AANHPI Report highlights the urgency of adapting programs and policies to address this demographic shift while recognizing the unique needs and strengths of each subgroup.

A Path Forward with the AANHPI Fund

The AANHPI Fund, established with a $2.5 million endowment from the SDF Board of Governors, aims to amplify AANHPI leadership, visibility and community support. Working alongside local leaders, the AANHPI Fund will raise funds from the AANHPI community and grant to AANHPI-led and/or -serving nonprofit organizations in San Diego County.

The AANHPI Fund presents an opportunity for donors and community members to invest directly in solutions that address the challenges faced by AANHPI subgroups, while celebrating their vital contributions to San Diego’s cultural and economic life.

Together, we can ensure every member of San Diego’s AANHPI community can thrive, prosper and feel like they belong.

Learn more about the report and how you can support the AANHPI Fund.