What’s not to love about San Diego? If The San Diego Foundation staff were to write a love song to our region, you’d hear us crooning about the diversity of cultures and geography, the beautiful landscape and weather, the food… Here’s a sampling of what we have to say about this place we call home. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Community, Culture, People

Michelle Jaramillo, Educational Initiatives Director

What I love about San Diego is our binational nature, a feature that is beautifully reflected in a quote from one of my favorite books, “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” by Anne Fadiman.

“I have always felt that the action most worth watching is not at the center of things but where edges meet. I like shorelines, weather fronts, international borders. There are interesting frictions and incongruities in these places, and often, if you stand at the point of tangency, you can see both sides better than if you were in the middle of either one.”

Trudy Armstrong, Director, Regional Affiliates

I love the San Diego region for its sense of community. While San Diego is a growing region, we still experience a small town feel, a caring for others in our community and a true sense of community pride. Indeed, I also do not miss snow!

Theresa Nakata, Chief Marketing & Communications Officer

Our family moved here 20 years ago and never looked back. We love the diversity of people and culture, the educational and development opportunities for our children, and the quality of life provided by year-round access to beaches, trails and mountains.

Katie Rast enjoying an outdoor patio meal

Katie Rast, Community Impact Director

San Diego is innovative and creative, a place where new ideas can take root and grow. I love the unique neighborhoods that represent our community, and our awe-inspiring landscape. When I leave, however, the thing I miss most about our city is the food!

Travis Vowles, Technology Analyst

As a San Diego County native, I might be a bit biased, but this place is unbeatable. Perfect weather, cultural and ecological diversity, amazing food, friendly people…. Plus a world-famous zoo!

The Outdoors and Weather… And Culture Again

Matt Fettig, Chief Investment Officer

Because it is the best city in America! Weather, ocean, fishing, big city that feels small, and the list goes on.

Everett Au, Program Specialist, Environmental Initiatives

I’m a huge fan of spending time outdoors and count myself lucky that within a short drive I can enjoy San Diego’s coasts, mountains and desert areas. Also, the food – so much delicious food to eat steeped in the rich culture of SD’s various communities.

Carey Tinsley, Stewardship Administrator

For walks on dog beach, and hikes in the Cuyamacas, and volleyball in OB, and Miguel’s queso sauce, and green flashes, and the small town feel in a big community, and especially for the final approach over America’s Finest City returning home!

Leslie Harrington, Manager, Philanthropic Advisor

I love San Diego because it’s my hometown, and I couldn’t think of a better place to live. I love to be outdoors and that’s possible all year round. I travel extensively and when I come home and fly into our beautiful city and feel the not too hot, not too cold air, I know I’m in the best place. Point Loma is my home – the bay on one side and the beach on the other – hard to beat. San Diego has wonderful cultural institutions, music venues, restaurants, and a leisurely lifestyle. Love it!