Niloufar Nasrollahzadeh

Associate, Research & Analytics, San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center

Niloufar Nasrollahzadeh serves as a research and analytics associate for the San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center (PIC), working on projects related to decarbonization and San Diego’s commercial fishing infrastructure. She also currently manages PIC’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Utility Data Capture Project to produce deliverables in national and regional water infrastructure and utility affordability issues.

Throughout her professional career, Niloufar has worked to analyze public policy and its relation to environmental health. Her expertise serves to advance PIC’s mission to use research to create effective and equitable legislative solutions.

Niloufar graduated from the University of California, Riverside with a bachelor’s in business economics and master’s in public policy. She worked in the UCR School of Public Policy as a graduate student researcher for two years, contributing to projects such as the “Urban Water Conservation” to analyze water infrastructure in California. She also served as a health policy intern for the California Health Benefits Review Program.

Contact Niloufar Nasrollahzadeh